Let the Story Begin

I would have never described myself as a writer, in fact I’d say I was far, far from a writer. And yet, here I am.

A blog was born to share all my life experiences and this journey of self discovery because lets be honest, an Instagram post it sometimes just not long enough. If you knew me from a very young age, you probably know my old nickname, “No Filter.” I was known for being the one that said all the things everyone was thinking, but no one wanted to say them (have you met my son, Andrew? I don’t have a clue where he gets it). The reality is, I was telling people things they weren’t ready to hear and in a way they weren’t ready to hear it. I’m a work in progress and my filter has gotten a lot better but there are some things that deserve to come through.

This season it’s about lessening my filter and sharing about these amazing things that have gone right in my life so that they can maybe do the same for you. I’m also calling you to action to join an upcoming book club and share away at the stories, posts and encounters with me that touch your life. Be sure to tag me along the way too!

Every day is a new and I want to share all these positive changes right as they happen. My learning to work less and joy life more forces me to choose. It hurts but transformation I’m having is so good I want you, your friends… anyone I can reach to feel.


In the Beginning